Appliance Information
A combination of brackets, bands and wires. Patients on average have their braces for about 2 years. Approximately every month to month and a half you will be given an appointment to have a stronger wire placed. Pressure is applied to the teeth moving them into desired alignment.
Patients may notice pressure when their braces go on and for a few days after each activation appointment. When you initially get your braces you may find them irritating to the inside of your cheeks. We will provide you with soft wax that can be pressed over the area while this area adapts. Warm salt water rinses can also help with cheek and gum irritation.
Eating: We recommend for the first few days to eat soft foods, chewing small pieces. After the first initial few days we ask you continue not to eat sticky, chewy or crunchy foods.
Cleaning: It is very important to keep your braces clean. We recommend that you brush after meals as well as morning and night. Flossing is also very important to help keep your gums healthy, and prevent cavities; remember to floss at least once per day. Continue to go to regular cleanings at your dentist, use non-whitening toothpaste.
The Carriere is an appliance that shifts the upper teeth back to correct the bite. It is comprised of a metal bar that is bonded onto your upper teeth and bands around your back lower teeth. Elastics are worn between the bands and the metal bar to promote growth.
Some patients find discomfort at first, if so the patient may take Advil or Tylenol (at the parent or guardian’s discretion)
It is Important to brush the appliance, and bands as well as your teeth to prevent cavities. When eating, cut your food and take small bites. If any part of the appliance breaks save it and make an appointment to have it put back on.
Crossbite appliances are removable retainers that have adjustment wires on them. They are usually used on patients who still have some baby teeth and are not ready for braces yet.
The appliance is to be worn 24 hours a day except when brushing or eating. With your new appliance you may find it interferes with speech. Reading out loud for 10-15 minutes each night will help you adapt to speaking.
Clean your appliance with cold water and toothpaste. DO NOT use hot water. If you have to take your appliance out when you eat, rinse it and put it in its case.
The appliance is made up of two parts; an expander which attaches to the upper teeth and a second piece, referred to as the face mask. The two pieces are attached via elastics. This treatment is used to correct lower jaws that protrude more than the upper jaw.
The expander portion is worn 24 hours per day as it is glued to the teeth. The face mask portion is to be worn a minimum of 14 hours per day. The facemask usually takes 2-3 nights to get used to.
We recommend you brush the expander portion when after each meal, before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning.
It is a coil spring attachment for your braces that promotes growth of the lower jaw. It helps to eliminate excessive overjet.
Some people find discomfort initially for about 1 to 2 weeks. While you’re getting used to wearing the appliance you may take Advil or Tylenol (at the patient or guardian’s discretion)
The Forsus is attached to the braces so it does not get removed while you eat, make sure you are eating small bites and no sticky, chewy or hard foods. Try not to open your mouth extremely wide. When brushing pay special attention to cleaning the appliance. If anything falls off please keep the pieces and call our office.
A habit appliance is typically made up of two bands and a wire attached between them. It has a special crib to help stop thumb sucking or tongue thrusting. The success of the appliance weighs heavily on the patient’s willingness to cooperate.
Sometimes the metal attachments initially irritate the sides of the cheeks. Soft wax will be provided for you to press over this area while your mouth is adapting.
Hard Sticky foods must be avoided while the appliance is in Place as they may loosen the appliance. It is very important to keep the appliance clean by brushing the appliance after meals and before you go to bed.
The headgear most commonly is used to correct an overjet by inhibiting the forward growth of the upper jaw. Additionally it can be used to influence the positions of the upper six year molars and create space for other crowded teeth.
The upper molars often become sore for the first few days, after several days of faithful wear the feeling will disappear.
Please be careful not to have anyone pull or grab the head gear while wearing. Always removed the straps prior to taking out the facebow. Please bring your headgear to every orthodontic appointment so we can check its fit and adjust if needed.
The Hotz is a removable appliance that is used to expand the upper jaw. It is activated by turning the inner screw with a key. We will let you know how often you should be turning. Please do not turn more than we instruct you to. If you have trouble turning please call us so we can help you get started again.
Upon activation you may notice pressure in the upper teeth and jaw for 5-15 minutes. You may also notice the wire attachments may irritate your cheeks initially. You may notice the appliance interferes with your speech initially, reading out loud for 15-20 minutes a night will help you adapt.
You may take your appliance out while eating and brushing. It is important to keep the appliance itself clean. You can keep it clean by scrubbing it with toothpaste and cold water (not hot) when going to bed or when you wake up in the morning
It is an appliance made of two molar bands (rings) with a wire attached that runs alongside the inside of the teeth. It is used to hold or maintain space when primary (baby) teeth are lost early.
Sometimes the bands (rings) around the teeth irritate the cheeks initially. Soft wax will be given to you to press on this area while your mouth is getting used to it.
You must avoid eating hard and sticky foods. Make sure when brushing you brush the wire as well as the bands.
Small rubber bands that are attached to hooks on your braces. They come in different sizes and strengths depending on what they are needed to do. The purpose is to move your teeth into their proper places.
Elastics most often are to be worn all the time. The more the elastics are worn the more successful they are. If an elastic breaks, replace it immediately. Some people choose to wear their elastics while eating, although you may take them off to eat and to brush.
Elastics will make the teeth sore for the first few days while wearing them. It is recommended that you take whatever you would take for a headache while you are getting used to them.
Separators are small rubber elastics that are used to help make space between back teeth. We need this space to fit bands (back braces) around your back teeth.
Some people find they have temporary, mild soreness. If necessary take Advil or Tylenol (at the patient or parent’s discretion)
Please do not pick at them, eat sticky or chewy foods and do not floss between the teeth where the separators are placed. If one or more fall out give our office a call, as we may need to replace them.
The twin block is a removable appliance made up of a top portion and bottom portion that fit together like a puzzle piece. The plastic blocks fit together to hold the lower jaw forward in order to correct overjet by influencing the growth of the jaws.
The appliance is to be worn 24 hours a day except when brushing. eating or playing contact sports. For the first 3-4 days we suggest wearing the twin block in the evening and night as an adjustment period.
It is important to keep the appliance clean. Brush your appliance when you brush your teeth with cool water.